These values reflect our culture and govern our decision-making.
Excellence: Using a Kodály-based program, we teach all our choristers to strive for well-rounded musical excellence.
Respect: We believe that each child has unique gifts and potential and is capable of developing musical and vocal excellence through choral education.
Discipline: We believe that choral singing is an art of excellence and distinction requiring the discipline of the chorister, including preparation, participation as a team-player and performance.
Diversity: We value the growth that comes through embracing diversity in people, cultures and musical repertoire.
Collaboration: We recognise that by working together as a community of choristers, volunteers and staff, we are able to achieve outcomes we cannot reach alone.
Enjoyment: We seek to maintain an inclusive environment of fun and purpose.
Growth: We believe that choral education and performance are transformative and can alter the life experience of a child as they mature into adolescence, positively affecting their future.
Responsibility: We value prudent and timely financial management acknowledging that this supports the choir to consistently produce high-quality musical results.