MYC to perform “Carmen” with Opera Australia

by Mar 4, 2020Concerts

Date: Friday 28th May

Time: 7:30pm (running time 155 minutes)

Location: Bunjil Place Theatre

A cast of some of Australia’s finest opera singers assemble with a chamber orchestra and the Melbourne Youth Chorale’s children’s chorus to perform the world’s most popular opera.

Caught between her desire for love and a longing for freedom, Carmen faces an impossible choice. She’s enigmatic and elusive: a femme fatale you can’t forget. Captivating Don José with her sensual Habanera, he abandons everything to pursue her. But Carmen won’t be owned and finds herself a new lover: the dashing  bullfighter Escamillo. Don José’s jealousy is untameable and in a gripping finale, Carmen is destined to fight for her life.

This new production highlights the colour and vibrancy of postcard Spain, with vintage-inspired costumes it evokes an era of bikers and shady police in a post-war setting of teen angst and rebellion.

MYC Performs Carmen with Opera Australia

The performance is sung in French with English Subtitles.


The performance is sung in French with English Surtitles.

Public Tickets:

MYC Member Tickets: (more info to come on discounted tickets for MYC families)

Adult $65.00
Concession $50.00
(Pensioner, Senior, Full Time Student)
Under 25 $25.00

Service fees may apply to tickets sent via email ($1.95) and mail ($4.00).


Performances often contain coarse language, sexual reference and material that can offend. It is recommended for people aged 15 years or older. Smoke machine/hazer may be used during this performance.